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About warriorwomanawakening

“I’m Becoming The Man I Wanted to Marry” Posted on November 16, 2011 by warriorwomanawakening Deep within a woman’s heart is the Warrior Woman. She’s strong and compassionate. A long time ago she was a Goddess. That Goddess is emerging once again. LOOK around you. You’ll see her when she isn’t aware that you’re looking. To find your Goddess… Start your day with a Zen Breath… [Take a deep breath and slowly relax. Imagine your body and all your extremities relaxing. It’s time for YOU.] Some of the following questions and statements are for mulling. Mull away . The person I’m becoming is a woman I didn’t know existed. It’s not the male side of me. No, it’s much more. It’s the amazing aspect of my personality. It’s the authentic part of me. I think about my sisters and their struggle for a voice. How far have my sisters come since ‘Joan of Arc’ lead an army to victory and subsequently was burned at the stake? For example, today women in Saudi Arabia are not permitted to drive. A man must always accompany her wherever she goes. In Africa a female child is mutilated so that her femininity is forever stolen from her. These acts are equivalent to being metaphorically burned at the stake. Who gives these men the right to mutilate a child? In America ideologues want to take away a woman’s right to choose even if she’s been raped or her life is in danger. This ideology comes directly from religions that are patriarchal, homophobic and sexist. Your beliefs keep you from noticing. Challenge your archaic beliefs. When persons take their heads out of the sand they will notice.There is an amazing voice called Malala who has awakened.
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